“What’s Growing on at Garden?” – Pumpkin Carving & Advocacy Contest



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Thanks to the Garden School PTA, the Garden School Seventh and Eighth Graders participated in a very well-organized and conceived Pumpkin Carving and Advocacy Contest earlier this week.

Split into teams that each had a faculty mentor for guidance and consultation, the students needed to communicate, plan and collaborate together to create the most creative and well-done pumpkin design. In addition to the design prizes, a Sportsmanship Award was at stake and each of the teams was also being observed on their teamwork during the process. Finally, once the carving was completed, each team was responsible for advocating FOR ANOTHER TEAM’S PUMPKIN TO WIN! Students did an amazing job finding reasons why each design was special and deserved to win. This was a fun and seasonal activity that provided lots of opportunities to work on important skills. See more pictures here.

We are so grateful to our PTA for funding this event and for all the work they do to support community building and fundraising at Garden! We couldn’t do what we do without you! https://gardenschool.org/parents/ — at Garden School.

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