The Community Resource Center at Garden School

Our Mission

The Community Resource Center at Garden School empowers parents and educators in Queens with knowledge. By providing free and low-cost programs to the community, they convene and distribute knowledge to increase the impact of schools and families on children in Queens. Further, they engage individuals with influence in meaningful discourse in an effort to serve as an accelerator for change in schools and the community.  


The CRC is a vehicle for fulfilling one of Garden School’s core beliefs – that an independent school should serve a deep public purpose. In Garden’s 2021 strategic plan, it stated that it aspired to develop a community resource center that would serve as a hub for convening local families and educators to share knowledge and training across a variety of relevant topics like literacy, arts, movement, technology, wellness, etc. In their 2022 Thank You Jackson Heights Community Programs, Garden provided a handful of free offerings to families and educators in the community on early literacy and the college process along with programs in the arts and athletics for children. In 2023, as Garden celebrates its Centennial, it is eager to officially launch the Community Resource Center at Garden School with a year’s worth of robust offerings and a vision for how it can continue to be a vital resource to educators and parents in Queens.

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