Connaître & savoir

Connaître et Savoir

Both “connaître” and “savoir” mean to know. However they are use differently.


It is used in a sense of being acquainted to someone.

Example:  Je connais Brian.

                    I know Brian.

It can be used as well in a sense of being acquainted to something.

 Example: Tu connais la chanson.

You know the song.

The verb “connaître” is conjugated in the present tense as follows:

Je connais                           Nous connaissons

Tu connais                          Vous connaissez

Il, elle connait                    ils, elles connaissent


It is used to in a sense of knowing how to do something through a learning process or mental ability.

Example: Je sais danser

                  I know how to danse.

                  Tu sais nager.

                 You know how to swim.

The verb “savoir” is conjugated in the present tense as follows:

Je sais                                 Nous savons

Tu sais                                 Vous savez

Il, elle sait                           Ils, elles savent

Complete each sentence with the correct form of savoir or connaître. You may use the notes above.

  1. Je _______________________ Jean –Pierre.
  2. Bernard ______________________ la ville de New York.
  3. Elle ne ______________ pas jouer au tennis.
  4. Nous ____________________ skier.
  5. Est-ce que tu _________________ Anne-Marie ?
  6. Joséphine et Andréa ___________________ parler français.
  7. Nous ne _____________________ pas le professeur de science.
  8. Vous _________________ le père de Joseph.
  9. Je _____________________ faire du vélo.
  10. Elle ______________________ Chantal.
  11. Evelyne _________________ mon cousin.
  12. Il ____________________ ma tante.
  13. Nous ________________________ danser la salsa.
  14. Je _______________________ bien Pascal
  15. Elle _____________________ faire du judo.
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