Je m’appelle: _______________________________                                             Mardi le 17 mars 2020

  1. Write the name of the person or persons on the provided space. Use each one only once. 6 points

Sophie             Paul et Jacques             Jacob


Juliette et Andréa


Bernard et moi                  Olivier et moi



  1. Elle aime le jambon. _____________________________________________________
  2. Nous allons à la plage. ___________________________________________________
  3. Ils jouent bien au basket. _________________________________________________
  4. Vous aimez le tennis. ____________________________________________________
  5. Il ne connait pas bien la ville. ______________________________________________
  6. Elles sont intelligentes. ___________________________________________________


  1. Match each French adjective with the english counterpart. Write the match on the blank space using letters. 10 points
  2. joli __________ A. stupid
  3. grand ________ B. talkative
  4. égoïste _______ C. ugly
  5. sympa _______ D. lazy
  6. moche _______ F. smart
  7. bavard _______ G. crazy
  8. intelligent _____ H. nice
  9. paresseux ______ I. selfish
  10. fou ___________ J. pretty
  11. bête _________ K. tall


  1. Describe a friend or relative using the adjective you learned in class. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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