2017 IRELAND ODYSSEY! Ten Day School trip to Ireland

ireland2017 IRELAND ODYSSEY!!ireland2

ForĀ 7th through 12th Graders

February 17, 2017 Friday to February 26, 2017 Sunday

Who: 7th through 12th graders

What: Official school trip to Ireland for 10 days

When: Leave from Garden School about 3 PM after school; return Sunday night and into school the next day so that we miss no school days.

Where: Dublin, Newgrange prehistoric sod houses north of Dublin, Trinity College Library which exhibits the Book of Kells, Grafton Street shopping area, Kilmainham Jail, the General Post Office site of the epic battle for Irish independence, James Joyce walking tour, Oscar Wilde house and statue, Stephenā€™s Greene, Christchurch, Irish Parliament, Blarney Castle and a chance to Kiss the Blarney Stone to give the gift of eloquence, the Cliffs of Moher. Dingle Peninsula, cross the Burren wilderness area of rock and hardy plants and trees, Galway on the west coast, ferry to the Aran Islands, about 20 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean, bicycle ride of about 7 miles to Dun Aengis, a prehistoric fort on the several hundred feet high cliffs (there is a mini-van for non-bikers or in case of rain), Music and fish and chips in Galway pubs/restaurants, and we may get to go to Jim Edwards Restaurant in Kinsale for an outstanding salmon dinner. SAT prep at 5:30 AM each day.

Why: To appreciate the beauty and richness of the island of Ireland, appreciate the history and uniqueness of the Irish history, to walk, hike, and ride bikes in amazingly striking natural settings.

Details: Chaperons James Pigman, Tiina Prio, Mr. Melara, perhaps, or Ms. Soifer or Ms. Renner or Mr. Gomis or Mr. Roselli. The chaperons will depend on the number of students who will go.

Safety: Ireland is very safe. Dublin is tiny compared to London or Paris. The hotels are small, We will generally always be together. Travel will either be by rented vans or chartered coaches. We will fly into
Dublin, non-stop, and then come home from Shannon Airport with a stopover in Boston for a couple of hours.

Cost: $2895.00. Includes: transportation, including to JFK outbound, hotels and breakfast daily, tips, guides, admissions, excursion to Aran Islands, bike rental, elevated train and buses in Dublin, Blarney Castle tour, Dingle tour. Not included: visa for non-US students, lunches and dinners. Dinners less than $30, lunch less than $10. Estimate $400-500 dollars for meals and snacks.


1. By October 28th, Friday: $800 and a photo copy of your passport
2. By November 22nd, Tuesday: $1100.
3. By January 13th, Friday: $995.
Cash, check, or credit card. The first payment must be on time as the airline tickets may be more expensive for latecomers.

Sincerely yours, James Pigman

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